A sleeping giant has awakened with this last wave of violence and horror concerning police brutality and all the varied responses. Let us not fall back to sleep. Here are some reflections on a course of action to take to keep us from going back into the haze that seems to be enveloping us.
The Boiling Frog - it's time we get out of the pot, before it is too late.
If you read this, I hope you'll make a comment, and share what your new commitment is. Imagine if we each do just a little bit better each day. We will be a grand force. Please join me.
And share either this, or your own version with your "tribe".
Thank you.
A dear friend of mine just made a post about his experience in jail. The post came with a video of a cop tasering a teenager so much, the boy now has permanent brain damage.
My friend’s story: “While in jail when being extracted from my cell I was hit with taser shields over 12 times. The inmates later told me I was dragged from my cell unconscious. This madness has got to stop!”
What is different now is we can capture things on video, and social media lets us share stories. Thank goodness my friend lived through the taser assault. These horrors are not new. What is new is our ability to witness so much.
There is a critical mass building as our awareness of all this crap is coupled with seeing and feeling all this up close and personal. It WILL wake us up out of the daze we are in.
"They" are aiming to bring about civil war in our country. Divide, conquer, further enslave. We will be tested more. Will love prevail? Can we find a higher ground to rise to?
It's up to us how quickly we get out of our daze and mobilize. This last round of horror has deepened my commitment to a whole new level. My commitment is to aim to stop compartmentalizing it all, and going back to life as "normal", between each new assault.
We just can't keep going back to "normal". One powerful thing we all can do is to start asking real deep core questions. The questioning process unleashes much creativity.
What pains each of us the most, and what questions can we each ask to find our way to a life of goodness?
Questioning starts a process within, and then we follow the inspirations that arise from this questioning. And ask more questions and it becomes a road map that can lead us to higher ground.
Let's not fall asleep again. PLEASE. Each person that is murdered is another "canary in the mine". Life as we know it is getting SO toxic. It's time to build a new foundation based on goodness and abundance and love. And we need to, each of us, weed out our own toxins, and become congruent with the world we desire to create.
No one is going to do it for us. Each day let us ask of ourselves. What do I commit to today, to build the world I know is possible?
What can I do just a little bit better today. We need to DO BETTER. The time is so NOW.
Let us remind each other, we are the "Frog in the Pot". We WILL boil to death if we don't get out of the pot!
"The boiling frog is an anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death."
The World Needs Us. Please, We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For.