The Learn to Blog 30 Day Challenge is the most engaging, creative, productive, fulfilling group endeavor for an online business that I have ever been a part of.
I found my public voice through this writing journey. Broke through my blocks to get a blog up. The group supported me to set up a super easy blog with google+ , taking less than 30 minutes to set up. I had been wanting to create a blog for almost two years and could not get myself into action. The technical skills for having a fancier blog will come later. The impact of this challenge was to get me into the game and writing! And that has been a 100% success.
The brilliance of the commitment based solely on the creative process, so no pressure on product creation or marketing or having a perfect blog design - was the perfect mix to get me moving on creating. And the fact it was free also really worked for me. It was another level of proof for me that this was a project based on love and the process of creating, purely for the art itself.
Now, at day 25 I see that I could very well have in my possession my first book from the material in the blog. Like with the blog, the book is not about perfection, but rather the art of creating. Even if I just produce a Kindle book, it would be about the joy of sharing my creation. While also achieving a cherished goal to have an actual product for sale on Amazon!
Creating a book was not at all in my thoughts when I joined the 30 day challenge. This seems to be just a natural by-product of following a heart based creative process. One does not know where their art will lead them.
It's really hard to put into words what a massive breakthrough this has been for me. The structure of a daily blog post got me focused on producing to publish, so my trap of overly thinking and writing too much simply was not an option within the time constraints.
I tried getting my first book written last year, and on my own, I got bogged down in my perfectionism, and the book project got over whelming for me and fell to the way side.
This blog challenge of 30 days is so manageable! It's a stretch for sure, but a time frame that has been achievable for me. I must say writing is my natural gift and love, so the process of writing itself came very easy. My struggle has been in being concise and focused and getting stumped by the technology, while also needing to be in a field of group support while being led by a very inspired leader.
Bradley Will is certainly the leader and the glue that held us all together. I also found great support in the frequent videos Bradley would produce for us. Sometimes while walking home from the gym, out for a brisk morning walk in the Chicago winter, or late night reflections. I found his videos helped me so much feel connected to a larger group and a bigger purpose. His transparency also has been an inspiring model to help me be transparent in my writing too.
This was a game changer for me. Changed me for the better, getting me out of my head and into action and creation. Something I have desired for a very very long time.
Thank you Bradley Will for your courage to act on your inspired vision. I am forever grateful.
This was a game changer for me. Changed me for the better, getting me out of my head and into action and creation. Something I have desired for a very very long time.
Thank you Bradley Will for your courage to act on your inspired vision. I am forever grateful.
I love the way you describe this as "a project based on love and the process of creating, purely for the art itself." Well done!