Notes To Myself
I begin "Notes to Myself" as project ideas flood in.
What is different now, between past inspired times, is that I am taking one step closer to translating the ideas into web sites I am creating.
Heart Plan Vision and Heart Plan Vision Portal.
Heart Plan Vision Portal has a vision to help (in homeopathic terms) empower people / potentize (to make potent or effective) people into effective action
Goal is to build on information and not lose track of these ideas.
For now, this entry is a download of ideas that flooded in this morning. No edits on this, but rather just wanting to capture the essence. To be expanded on as the ideas further flush out for me.
"A Political Awakening"
First topics for Interviews: Ideas, Suggestions ....
1. Letter writing to politicians, track their addresses and issues I write about. Track results. How to best be effective. How are they logged and reported to congress people.
2. Save Social Security
3. Health Care for All
4. Fukishima - what to do
5. Voting Rights - set goals
6. Who to interview - develop specific questions: Kucinich, Michael Moore, Greg Palast. Arizona Gabby. What do they need. What are ideals. First is Sandy Fish and team - develop questions and ask her what they would like to talk about.
7. Drain the Swamp. Find the quote of claim that only 5 in Congress are not millionaires - is it accurate. We do need politicians who represent the people, the 98%.
8. Ideal candidates represent the people - start building a voter base now - get input from people - leading up to 2018. What is goal. A Congress and Political structure that represents the people.
9. Weekly Action Calls: examples Sierra Club DAPL; Resistance weekly calls - sending text message alerts. Track the effectiveness of these.
10. 52 Interviews - one a week, then becomes a package to sell at years end. Also available to members in the members area. Include summaries, highlights, what accomplished and what overall vision was.
Heart Plan Vision Portal is like homeopathy.
Seek to empower people.
Strengthen immune system of entire planetary body of people
As people we are care takers of earth, we help enliven people to fee connected with earth (eco-psychology) and take care of her. She (Earth Gaia) sustains us.
Learn how not to act against one's best interests.
So, HPVP introduces something. Some knowledge, an action idea, an empowerment tool, expand understanding, and it acts like a high potency homeopathic remedy and people take action in their lives, for some type of betterment for the good of all.
My Activism.
Environmental Forum of Marin (EFM) - 2 years study and develop Enviro Philosophy day.
EFM Graduate presentation of Heart Plan Vision
Internet & Email began
Facebook and Twitter launch and Social Media
Facebook Community Pages - 55 pages 55K likes so far
Study Internet Business Opportunities
30 Day Blog Challenge - and Kindle book idea - publish the 30 chapters as a book
Then more book ideas start to emerge
OMG, Affilio, Word Press - trainings 2016 +
Gather up Quotes for Earth Day. How to best inspire people and awaken them more to the importance of caring for our mother earth.
Reflecting more on transition from Employee to Business Owner.
I see how each step I take works to get my info out to more and more people.
OMG Business Model - my study from employee to business owner
Word Press Training
Heart Plan Vision web site and first drafts for Heart Plan Vision Portal
Next: develop outline for Interview Series and be able to share recording with those I interview
Then: Heart Plan Vision Portal web site - set up member sitte with Launch Word Press theme (Christina guy) and PayPal, $10/ monthly membership and Weekly Interviews
Greeting cards. A way to stay in touch with people, so not to lose contact as life gets busy.
Sending love, connection, team building, community building, inspiration, hope to inspire others to greatness. First sending cards cured my loneliness. Mother Teresa - give until it hurts. Indentify beautiful qualities of people and celebrate them in cards with poetry I create.
Keep strong with my core group.
Facebook Community Pages
How can I turn each FB page into some greater engagement. Cross pollinate - introduce my related pages on related sites. Example: flowers and gardens, to food and forestry, to good health.
Developing big enough WHY's
OMG / LOI / WordPress
My desire to learn WordPress - because needed sites to rank (OMG SEO agency) along with Affiliate sales business.
My desire to complete WordPress training and Launch enlivens as my vision for activating Heart Plan Vision Portal awakens in me and I see the frustration in just being on FB, and my desire to start Interview Series grows strong once again.
Blockages / Road Blocks
If I reach blockage (LOI), then Scenario build / Identify what is blurry / fuzzy. / Breakthrough Stack - what do next? / What's blocking motivation and energy to take action?
Neville - explore further his grasshopper and giant analogies.
Plan Vision - weekly interviews using Free Conferencing service. Be
sure I can share the calls, that they record and I can give copy to the
people I interview.
Note to self: one of reasons I like Elementary and Sherlock is his passion - how he loves his work. and Watson - he says "people who love their work don't need alarm clocks! They arise with eagerness to begin their day.
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