Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Building a Foundation for A Successful Business

I have a new "mentor", "teacher", "guide", "support guy".  
Jame P Friel

I find him a grounding force for me.  In our Facebook group today he asked a question, inviting our reflections.  

Q:  What is stopping you from "totally going for it"?

The Big Why
Having big "why's for my success. That is a big one for me.  Over these last 2.5 years as I've been shifting out of employee "consciousness" into that of being a "business owner" - it has brought up so many core beliefs I have, after a lifetime of feeling I've been a slave to "the job" and "survival".

See Yourself Succeeding
I"m having to learn a whole new relationship to money and thriving. One thing I've heard often these last 2+ years is to be able to see myself in the successful roles I am training for. This is big for me too. Very little framework or foundation for this. So in many ways starting from scratch.

Life Management
Before "going for it" I'm finding I need to trust I am able to manage in my life the things I already feel are core and basic to my health and my values. Time to eat well, exercise regularly, and a balance of rest and time to "just be". I really don't believe that if I work super hard now to achieve, that I will later have time to relax.

I seem to believe that "as I am living now" I am setting up habits for how I will be living when I succeed.

Financial Literacy
One big thing I had to do in building foundation, was to get accountable with my money, my spending, tracking my expenses, watching what I spend money on. And when I buy business training programs, am I actually utilizing the trainings.

I've made good progress on this.  Once I'm confident with managing my money, this opens up more willingness to allow more money to come to me.

Money is energy

I appreciate the engaging questions James invites us to explore.  Helps me to reflect and share in a public way, which is a good reflection back to me. 

James Friel contact info
Facebook page 
James P. Friel 

Podcast:  Just the Tips
"Just The Tips is a business talk show for entrepreneurs and business owners who are tired of listening to the same old stodgy content. Interviewing (and sometimes roasting) top entrepreneurs from around the world, each episode is fun, witty and informative. It's a must listen for anyone wanting to transform their marketing, sales and business while having a laugh instead of falling asleep. We, not so humbly, believe it's the best business and marketing podcast in the world."

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