Sunday, November 22, 2015

Healing From the Core - Day Five Blog Challenge

I've returned to the family system, living with a family member for a few months as part of my mega housing transition journey.  I came with the intention for healing.  Healing and doing completions.  Completing this 3D karmic journey of the cycle of life.  My soul yearns to be part of the amazing extraordinary ascension process  that is underway on this magnificent planet.  I embrace the emerging New Earth with welcome anticipation of an evolutionary leap for humankind, kind human.  

Lots of the emotional baggage I've been carrying around got programmed in on a cellular level during the years growing up in my family system.  There is tons of research on this if you at all doubt the impact the family system has on each of us.  Bruce Lipton, for example, is a tremendous resource on this.

Much as been revealed to me in these few months here with the family.  I am ready to let the traumas and stories of the past be laid to rest.  It's so evident how they continue to overlay on all my life experiences and life choices.  It was a shake up for me to step back into the family field.  An act not recommended for the weak of heart.

It takes courage to enter back into the karmic field of a family such as mine, and intend for total healing of the self.  Courage to stretch and be uncomfortable, really uncomfortable.  I have cried a lot and prayed a lot.  And when the pain got almost too much to bear, I surrendered.  Then I prayed for insight on the nature of surrender itself. What does surrendering really mean?  Still no solid answer on that yet.  My only guess so far is that it is unique for each individual, hence why cookie cutter definitions do not really work.

I keep digging deeper within, and apply the "turn around" concept of Byron Katie.  Essentially, taking the projection story and turn it around so it reads as my own story.  I'm not one to claim I understand the concept of past lives; but I do believe I was born into a family system that was designed to re-inact experiences so I could achieve learnings and soul integrations that had not been achieved in previous incarnations.  

What is the core learning for me this life?  Forgiving all the times I have failed in other lives.  Some of these failures most likely impacted many others, and possibly the karma of many souls have weighed heavy on my soul.  Perhaps even my failures were of a magnitude that I felt I could never forgive myself.

With immense gratitude I now go into forgiveness of epic proportion, willing to forgive even what felt to be unforgivable.  The hero journey indeed.  I imagine transporting my soul essence back to the center of the Milky Way galaxy, perhaps where this life stream of mine was birthed.  From this core galactic center I intend ritual for the cleansing of all lack of forgiveness I have for myself.  I call on Gaia Sophia, Earth Goddess, and Source of All to cleanse and transform this life essence, and bring transmutation for entry into New Earth.  May it be so.     

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