Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Power of Commitment, Focus and Accountability - Day Seven Blog Challenge

This blog challenge is proving to be a remarkable experience for me in so many ways.  It also is helping me get an amazing glimpse into the creative process and ways in which creativity expresses.  It feels like I am in a garden of rainbows and flowers!

COMMITMENT:  This is key in the process of creativity.  I feel my creative muse has longed for a foundation and a platform from which to express.  She and I both have known that writing comes easily to me, second to breathing it is my natural expression.  I'm most comfortable when there is pen and paper near by.

This 30 day writing challenge, blogging and posting publicly, feels just enough commitment to keep me showing up and doing the work, while opening doors to something bigger than I was able to foresee.  By that I mean there is a natural sequence that is revealing itself, in regards to the topics I write about each day.  Coming to the keyboard with no agenda, except to show up and let the writing flow, the creative muse seems to have access to the bigger picture of where this writing is going.  Each day's topic seeming to naturally build off of the previous posts.  A cohesive story seems to be emerging.  I did not consciously plan this.  What a true delight to be the scribe and witness! 

The creative process is truly magical. I surrender to it and let it lead.  Follow my heart and do what brings me joy, while staying in my naturalness of being. That's my formula so far.      

FOCUS:  I focus on writing as my creative expression.  Looking forward to see what emerges through my writing as a means for bringing my gifts forward in the world.  I see now more than ever how life's meaning comes from having purposeful contributions to make to the greater good.  It's so important to feel and experience being connected with others and contributing to life, while expressing joyfully the gifts from within the heart.

This heart path journey is so different than doing a "day job" for money so to pay the bills.  There are many, like I, on this transition bridge from choices made for survival into a life of choices made from our core truth.

I have felt for so long that this life is meant for all of us to contribute our gifts to the greater whole.  That is what will make this earth ship function at optimum level.  In a later post I will expand on this more.

ACCOUNTABILITY:  I appreciate more than ever this aspect of being accountable to a support group.  Bradley Will, as the visionary leader of this blog challenge, feels like the heart center of this project.  The cohesive glue that holds us together.  Having this central core feel solid makes accountability come so much easier for me.    

I take a moment here to clarity accountability as being the willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions.  Being accountable to something that aligns with my core values, and offers expression of my creative gifts is affording me the great feeling of congruence.  Where there is congruence, compatibility and harmony there is flow.  

This flow is the fuel that inspires me to show up each day, eager to make my contribution to this writing journey.  Knowing I am a part of something much larger than me.   With over 150 people dedicated to this writing journey, who knows what greater good will come from this.  

It is the journey that matters, so much more than the destination.  The journey keeps us in the present moment.  Which, after all, is really all we ever have.  No past, no future, just now.   


  1. Beautifully said - it is the now that we have so embrace it and live in it! Great post!

    1. Oh Jai, thank you so much for sharing. Yes, it is so powerful to keep reminding each other. Soon, remembering to be in the now will be so natural for us. Especially as we amplify our intention for this. Thank you.
