Monday, May 23, 2016

Diary of A Launch Entry 10 Choosing Happiness Now

My newest focus is choosing happiness right where I am with what is going on. I realize more and more that who we are in the present will be who we are when we enter a new situation.

I've often been in the mindset .... "once ... such and such changes .... then I will be happy". Well, I have a sense I have healed enough that I now can wholeheartedly choose happiness right now, even though I'm not in my perfect life yet. haha! that sort of feels liberating.

Now that I'm declaring this publicly, I get to see if there is truth behind my words.  This all sounds good.  Let's see how well I do embodying it.

This applies very much so to my newly forming online career.  My current habits, work patterns, life management mastery and mindset will all follow me into my new career life.  Don't think that "once I arrive somewhere new" then I will change things.  There is no time except the present to make these changes.  Who I am now is who I will be tomorrow, unless I do things differently today.

This last year has really proved to me beyond a doubt that our light and our shadows follow us everywhere we go.  No matter how many changes I made, leaving unhappy romance, leaving uphappy job, being uprooted from my stable home, liberating myself from financial debt, etc etc.  I saw, in each new situation that I was still the same me.  The same victim, the same stuck energy, the same stories, the same unhappy, the same fears.  And! on a positive note, the same courageous resilient woman.  She is my one constant through all the ups and downs of this life. 

There have been some nice shifts inside for me this last week, as I engage in some new internal "energy" work.  the woo woo stuff.

I celebrate the new me emerging this Spring 2016.

I share with you.  

Choose Today.
Choose the Now.