Sunday, July 10, 2016

Reflections Diary Entry 2 - The Boiling Frog

A sleeping giant has awakened with this last wave of violence and horror concerning police brutality and all the varied responses. Let us not fall back to sleep. Here are some reflections on a course of action to take to keep us from going back into the haze that seems to be enveloping us.

The Boiling Frog - it's time we get out of the pot, before it is too late.

If you read this, I hope you'll make a comment, and share what your new commitment is. Imagine if we each do just a little bit better each day. We will be a grand force.  Please join me.
And share either this, or your own version with your "tribe".
Thank you.

A dear friend of mine just made a post about his experience in jail. The post came with a video of a cop tasering a teenager so much, the boy now has permanent brain damage.

My friend’s story: “While in jail when being extracted from my cell I was hit with taser shields over 12 times. The inmates later told me I was dragged from my cell unconscious. This madness has got to stop!”

What is different now is we can capture things on video, and social media lets us share stories. Thank goodness my friend lived through the taser assault. These horrors are not new. What is new is our ability to witness so much.

There is a critical mass building as our awareness of all this crap is coupled with seeing and feeling all this up close and personal. It WILL wake us up out of the daze we are in.

"They" are aiming to bring about civil war in our country. Divide, conquer, further enslave. We will be tested more. Will love prevail? Can we find a higher ground to rise to?

It's up to us how quickly we get out of our daze and mobilize. This last round of horror has deepened my commitment to a whole new level. My commitment is to aim to stop compartmentalizing it all, and going back to life as "normal", between each new assault.

We just can't keep going back to "normal". One powerful thing we all can do is to start asking real deep core questions. The questioning process unleashes much creativity.

What pains each of us the most, and what questions can we each ask to find our way to a life of goodness?

Questioning starts a process within, and then we follow the inspirations that arise from this questioning. And ask more questions and it becomes a road map that can lead us to higher ground.

Let's not fall asleep again. PLEASE. Each person that is murdered is another "canary in the mine". Life as we know it is getting SO toxic. It's time to build a new foundation based on goodness and abundance and love. And we need to, each of us, weed out our own toxins, and become congruent with the world we desire to create.

No one is going to do it for us. Each day let us ask of ourselves. What do I commit to today, to build the world I know is possible?

What can I do just a little bit better today. We need to DO BETTER. The time is so NOW.

Let us remind each other, we are the "Frog in the Pot". We WILL boil to death if we don't get out of the pot!

"The boiling frog is an anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death."

 The World Needs Us. Please, We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Reflections Diary Entry 1 Origins of Humanity

The Origins of Humanity

"The guardians gave us knowledge of who we are and our destiny as souls. We were brought here to do two things.

First, we are here to enjoy ourselves, to grow, increase and become more than we are, living in the beauty of nature on this beautiful planet.

Second, we are here to discover, to remember our divine origins through the experience of love for one another."

Hank Wesselman

Diary of A Launch Entry 11 First See It Within

What are our big Whys
What are our musts
These are what will propel us forward
These are what are the makings of our beliefs
And our glass ceiling
Design our standards to uplift our musts


Develop and ask the power questions
That will inform us
As to the actions to take
To bring about our breakthroughs

What breakthroughs must we have
That we desire with all our hearts

It takes that much desire for a breakthrough
Anything less will just cause our dreams to wither away

Ask these questions with all the passionate power we can muster 
Change only happens once an internal shift happens

See it
Feel it
Know it 
Internally first

Otherwise external actions are wasted
And only prove to reinforce our limiting beliefs

And the downward spiral strengthens 
So Stop It
Stop the downward spiral

We are in the drivers seat
In charge of whether we evolve our lives and progress
Progress always towards greater good

Let it be
Allow it
Encourage it
Small steps or Big Steps
It does not matter
Just be sure to take a step towards greater good

Monday, May 23, 2016

Diary of A Launch Entry 10 Choosing Happiness Now

My newest focus is choosing happiness right where I am with what is going on. I realize more and more that who we are in the present will be who we are when we enter a new situation.

I've often been in the mindset .... "once ... such and such changes .... then I will be happy". Well, I have a sense I have healed enough that I now can wholeheartedly choose happiness right now, even though I'm not in my perfect life yet. haha! that sort of feels liberating.

Now that I'm declaring this publicly, I get to see if there is truth behind my words.  This all sounds good.  Let's see how well I do embodying it.

This applies very much so to my newly forming online career.  My current habits, work patterns, life management mastery and mindset will all follow me into my new career life.  Don't think that "once I arrive somewhere new" then I will change things.  There is no time except the present to make these changes.  Who I am now is who I will be tomorrow, unless I do things differently today.

This last year has really proved to me beyond a doubt that our light and our shadows follow us everywhere we go.  No matter how many changes I made, leaving unhappy romance, leaving uphappy job, being uprooted from my stable home, liberating myself from financial debt, etc etc.  I saw, in each new situation that I was still the same me.  The same victim, the same stuck energy, the same stories, the same unhappy, the same fears.  And! on a positive note, the same courageous resilient woman.  She is my one constant through all the ups and downs of this life. 

There have been some nice shifts inside for me this last week, as I engage in some new internal "energy" work.  the woo woo stuff.

I celebrate the new me emerging this Spring 2016.

I share with you.  

Choose Today.
Choose the Now.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Diary of a Launch Entry 9 Accountability and Laser Focus

This is good.  I'm in the final week of month 4 of my pre-launch preparatory work and training.  Creating my laser focus is in the early development stages.  These first few months have been a bit chaotic, with my energy all over the place.  Learning to recognize how I continue to get pulled to the latest "bright and shining" internet offer.  All the while my OMG coaches continue to guide us to keep our attention on the training within OMG.  Being scattered will only create scattered results.  Follow the clues to success.  Focus  Focus  Focus

David Mills Law of Implication continues to be my guiding light.  "Get time on my side" so I do not rush.  Breathe, relax, stay focused, be calm. I'm not in a race.  Rather, I'm on a journey of building a sustainable prosperous life, being healthy, happy and of great service to others.

I now have 2 "accountability support buddies".  Wonderful women who share similar goals and values as we work to build new incredible lives for ourselves.  One is a local friend and weekly we plan to phone, text, email each other with our intentions for the week.  The other woman is in my OMG group and we will Facebook private message each other about how we are doing with the training, our challenges, and our successes.   

This is my first week I'm ready to commit to a solid 40 hour week on my prep for my first business product launch.  It's taken 5 months, since purchasing the product for my first launch (selling an affiliate product), for me to feel "grounded" enough to move forward on solid actions.   I've been "in the cave" learning how to develop "my offer" and how to get it front of potential customers and clients.

One of my online mentors posed a question today:  "what is your biggest issue or stumbling block in your business right now?"   I pondered this for a bit and answered this way:  Focus, I still get pulled in too many directions.  I have an affiliate product and support to launch it, but each day I keep focusing on more stuff to study in prep.  Mentors keep saying, launch and learn through the process.  I'm still blocked, or at least I'm concerned that I may be.

Then there are the days where I feel, in the bigger picture of my life unfolding, I am handling exactly what is best to be give attention to each day, and my foundation continues to build.  Solid and strong.    


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Diary of a Launch Entry 8 Am I Worth The Effort

My coach trainers are sharing great wisdom for contemplation, for me.  Now.  It is time.  Rubber hits the road as the saying goes.  It's time to look ever so deeply into why I am not fully applying myself to my business launch.  What's going on love?  Self imposed beliefs I've put on myself.  Perhaps.

Stories of blame no longer have merit here.  It's about me.  Am I seeking to prove to the father, that I'm a loser, like he said to me.  I'm now seeing however, how I just created him.  I came in, this life, to clear that inner critic, the loser, the one who falls short, the one who fails others.  It's all ultimately within me, these messages, and in the end, just silly mind chatter.

It's rather liberating to take the power away from the father.  Yes father, I'm saying it, you are no longer responsible for how my life turns out.  Can I get a hallelujah!

Yes!  No more victim stances.  I reclaim my projections.  Let me use that energy for myself.  Love it!  I can feel the energy returning.  Now I can use that attention to see me.  Is it lethargy I am dealing with now?   What's keeping me from moving forward?  I don't need answers from without.  I look within now.  What is this frozen energy as I approach my launch?  This is so very curious!

I'm not going to label it.  I'm going to approach it with interest and care.  True, I have seen that I need to manage my finances better.  Before I increase my money earning power, I need to show to myself that I am a good money manager.  Okay, so I'm looking at that now.  Doing my taxes this week.  Step by step, this puzzle will reveal itself.

Am I worth the effort?  What a powerful question and query.  What does that really mean, to me?  Does money getting always require hard work, high self esteem and a huge inner drive?  I'm not seeking money to prove anything.  And my spiritual path reminds me that Source Creator is my true source, not money.

Do I have an ideal that everything within a path with heart must be joyful, light and happy? 

To be continued.  I wish to "sleep on" these questions and explorations. More will be revealed.  I'm not pushing, I'm exploring.  I'm building relationship and intimacy with my inner navigator and director. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Diary of a Launch Entry 7 Measuring Progress

I love it when a fellow member in my OMG class checks in with me on FB and asks how I'm doing.  One such friend stopped by today and inquired.  Without someone asking, I often will not take time to check in with myself and see how I'm doing.

Here's today's assessment of my status.

Haven't written up my personal review of Feb progress. I did write up my summary for Jan. Hoping to do it monthly. So not sure how successful I feel about Feb.  That's how these reviews help me.  By reflecting on my study patterns, and if and where I am taking "action", I can better access my progress. 

I do know I took some time to clear up some distractions in my personal life, so I can feel more organized and focused, and not have "my life" keep pulling me off track.

In spirit of David Mills and Law of Implication,  I have been practicing separating commitment from action. He spoke about that in his most recent videos that he shared with us in our members area. 

From these new insights I am now clearly committing to take the affiliate product I bought in Nov, and launch the first web site for one of the info products that comes with the program. Hopefully, the plan being, to then see which of OMG tactics can best help with bringing traffic and conversion to the info product.

I'm still not quite happy with my sense of organization within OMG. I learn things in the webinars, and then I'm not able to find my notes on that topic, hence I'm not mastering any of the info yet.
But the SEO terms are feeling more familiar.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Diary of a Launch Entry 6 First Months A Fellow Student Shares

A fellow student that is in OMG, along with me, just did a pretty awesome summary post.  It's so good, wanted to share it here.

OMG Machines - 6 Weeks In Review & Update

Caroline Middlebrook:  "For me there are 5 aspects of OMG that I find particularly significant:
  • The extensive video based training
  • The weekly live webinars with the coaches
  • The archive of webinar replays from 2015
  • The Law of Implication training
  • The Facebook group"
Her blog post elaborates on each.

As you can see, there is good reason I'm deeply immersed in my training now.  I'm learning a new language and a new skill, and the material available is massive.  Every week we also have live webinar trainings customized to help us learn what is most relevant for the stages we are moving though in developing knowledge within the world of SEO, Search Engine Optimization.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Diary of a Launch Entry 5 Overwhelm

A business colleague and friend of mine expressed great overwhelm and fear today and simply asked for words of encouragement.  She spoke of needing clients and I'm guessing that means money so to meet her basic needs.  She also was processing feelings around a very difficult exchange she had with someone she was working with.  

Here are some reflections I shared with her.

"I know the overwhelm and fear. So sorry to hear about the challenging business relationship. It comes with the territory. One of my coaches advised not to worry too much about difficult situations; clients, Virtual Assistants, etc..  We're not a good match for everyone and that's okay.

I hear you about needing clients, i.e needing money I assume. Reminds me of a video I recently watched of Oprah. She was speaking about the "early days". She'd ask herself regularly "What is the next right move." and just keep moving forward one step at a time. I've written these words in very visible locations in my work space, to help with my overwhelm and lack of focus.

What is the next right move, the next best move.  And take action.

My best route during times like you describe is to pray like I've never prayed. The nice thing about this level of stress is that it gives me lots of emotion so my prayer has lots of passion to it.

Find in your heart what you most need to understand and what you most desire, and then pray with all the heart you have."

Support will come, answers will come.  Stay centered within and keep a look out for answers from within and without.

Just yesterday, I was walking "the river trail" near my home.  I was processing and clearing out some energies around difficult relationships in my life.  I was talking out loud, as there were no people around.  And behind me, a young man on a skateboard passed me, and then turned around, saying he had a message for me (from God).  It was a beautiful message that totally affirmed what I was clearing out  (a topic to discuss at a later time).

Imagine that!  What a delightful surprise and amazing affirmation that energies from the unseen world are present and with me always, hearing me, listening, guiding, supporting, loving me.

We are not alone. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Diary of a Launch Entry 4 Commitment

Here is a post I just made to Facebook. 

In Dec 2015, my Path with Heart clarified a bit more. and I committed to bring my gifts forward through designing a business I would deliver through the internet. Along with that commitment I joined some trainings, that would guide me wisely into this new career.

Here are some notes I wrote up this morning on this new path I am embarking on.

"I'm developing an online business, delivering services and products by way of the Internet and mobile devices, with special focus on leveraging social media.

With a current population of 7.2 billion and based on current trends, mobile devices will help push internet penetration to over 50% of world's population by mid to late 2016, with social media alone exceeding 2 billion users in late 2015.

There now exists an incredible opportunity to help play a role in uplifting and connecting humanity on a global level, at a critical mass never achieved before."

statistics from:…/digital-social-mobile-worldwide-20…

love and hugs!

"Journey Sessions with Shema"

Diary of a Launch Entry 3 A New Friend

I have found a friend in my Facebook (FB) group for my business training program.  We're talking in the private messaging section of FB.  So good to have a friend here, with shared values and challenges.  Sometimes my business challenges hit home very personally, and not everything do I desire to share with the entire training community of 1000.  It's nice to be able to support each other "behind the scenes".   

I mentioned to her I had started this blog section  "Diary of a Launch" and realized I hadn't made a post here in a while.

I've been so busy with studying the training videos and going on the live webinar trainings, not a lot of time left over to chronicle how my development towards my launch is going.  Do want to get more regular with my posts here.  They help me with inner reflective time on this whole journey.  More to come.    

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Diary of a Launch Entry 2 Raw and Real

This is as real as it gets for me.  I'm entering uncharted territories to me.   I'd love to tell you this path is fearless.  It's not.  I'm scared at times, my financial pressures are great, I struggle with doubt.

Prayer is my path to get me through these early stages.  I struggle with focusing on studying the training materials as my life is unstable and cause of much stressful distraction.  My trainers and fellow students give me the courage and vision to keep to the course, stay on path.  Do not cave into the monkey mind fear body.  It's trying to keep me safe and small and does not seem interested in me thriving and evolving.

My prayer.

Dear God, What is the best course of action for me to reach financial freedom most directly, most expediently, efficiently and speedily AND with the GREATEST ease, flow, joy and HAPPINESS.  Please guide me each day for this outcome.  This or something even greater.

I was immediately guided, after earnestly praying this prayer, to listen to Unity's Catherine Ponder Dial a Thought.  Here's what the phone recording had for me.  So grateful.

The Secret of Unlimited Supply

"All financial doors are now open to me.  All financial channels are now flowing freely to me.  The unlimited  supply of the Universe is mine by Divine Right and now comes to me.   The Almighty is my precious gold and silver now."    

Thank you  Thank you  Thank you

I now go into the stillness and feel this into my truth body.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Diary of a Launch Entry 1 The Beginning

After what seems decades, I'm finally serious about launching online.  I've joined OMG, One Man Gang, for a year long mega training.  I have positioned myself among giants.  It's all getting very real.

My interests are many.  Ultimately I have my own project, Heart Plan Vision Portal, that I will flush out and bring to the world.  For now, I'd like to start with Affiliate Marketing and SEO digital agency.  OMG has great coaches to help with many facets of finding one's voice in the world of the internet and to monetize on it.  This year long commitment is what I need to hold my feet to the fire, so I stay engaged and not give up on myself.

I believe in me.