Monday, February 29, 2016

Diary of a Launch Entry 6 First Months A Fellow Student Shares

A fellow student that is in OMG, along with me, just did a pretty awesome summary post.  It's so good, wanted to share it here.

OMG Machines - 6 Weeks In Review & Update

Caroline Middlebrook:  "For me there are 5 aspects of OMG that I find particularly significant:
  • The extensive video based training
  • The weekly live webinars with the coaches
  • The archive of webinar replays from 2015
  • The Law of Implication training
  • The Facebook group"
Her blog post elaborates on each.

As you can see, there is good reason I'm deeply immersed in my training now.  I'm learning a new language and a new skill, and the material available is massive.  Every week we also have live webinar trainings customized to help us learn what is most relevant for the stages we are moving though in developing knowledge within the world of SEO, Search Engine Optimization.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Diary of a Launch Entry 5 Overwhelm

A business colleague and friend of mine expressed great overwhelm and fear today and simply asked for words of encouragement.  She spoke of needing clients and I'm guessing that means money so to meet her basic needs.  She also was processing feelings around a very difficult exchange she had with someone she was working with.  

Here are some reflections I shared with her.

"I know the overwhelm and fear. So sorry to hear about the challenging business relationship. It comes with the territory. One of my coaches advised not to worry too much about difficult situations; clients, Virtual Assistants, etc..  We're not a good match for everyone and that's okay.

I hear you about needing clients, i.e needing money I assume. Reminds me of a video I recently watched of Oprah. She was speaking about the "early days". She'd ask herself regularly "What is the next right move." and just keep moving forward one step at a time. I've written these words in very visible locations in my work space, to help with my overwhelm and lack of focus.

What is the next right move, the next best move.  And take action.

My best route during times like you describe is to pray like I've never prayed. The nice thing about this level of stress is that it gives me lots of emotion so my prayer has lots of passion to it.

Find in your heart what you most need to understand and what you most desire, and then pray with all the heart you have."

Support will come, answers will come.  Stay centered within and keep a look out for answers from within and without.

Just yesterday, I was walking "the river trail" near my home.  I was processing and clearing out some energies around difficult relationships in my life.  I was talking out loud, as there were no people around.  And behind me, a young man on a skateboard passed me, and then turned around, saying he had a message for me (from God).  It was a beautiful message that totally affirmed what I was clearing out  (a topic to discuss at a later time).

Imagine that!  What a delightful surprise and amazing affirmation that energies from the unseen world are present and with me always, hearing me, listening, guiding, supporting, loving me.

We are not alone. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Diary of a Launch Entry 4 Commitment

Here is a post I just made to Facebook. 

In Dec 2015, my Path with Heart clarified a bit more. and I committed to bring my gifts forward through designing a business I would deliver through the internet. Along with that commitment I joined some trainings, that would guide me wisely into this new career.

Here are some notes I wrote up this morning on this new path I am embarking on.

"I'm developing an online business, delivering services and products by way of the Internet and mobile devices, with special focus on leveraging social media.

With a current population of 7.2 billion and based on current trends, mobile devices will help push internet penetration to over 50% of world's population by mid to late 2016, with social media alone exceeding 2 billion users in late 2015.

There now exists an incredible opportunity to help play a role in uplifting and connecting humanity on a global level, at a critical mass never achieved before."

statistics from:…/digital-social-mobile-worldwide-20…

love and hugs!

"Journey Sessions with Shema"

Diary of a Launch Entry 3 A New Friend

I have found a friend in my Facebook (FB) group for my business training program.  We're talking in the private messaging section of FB.  So good to have a friend here, with shared values and challenges.  Sometimes my business challenges hit home very personally, and not everything do I desire to share with the entire training community of 1000.  It's nice to be able to support each other "behind the scenes".   

I mentioned to her I had started this blog section  "Diary of a Launch" and realized I hadn't made a post here in a while.

I've been so busy with studying the training videos and going on the live webinar trainings, not a lot of time left over to chronicle how my development towards my launch is going.  Do want to get more regular with my posts here.  They help me with inner reflective time on this whole journey.  More to come.