Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Heart Path Lovingly Will Lead - Day 4 Blog Challenge -

Today I created 28 titles for potential blog posts.  I am abundant with ideas!

I begin these posts organically.  Letting a natural flow awaken as I see what Source wishes to write about.  Source and I are One.  For lack of a better name, the place where these thoughts arise.  All day long I seem to consume consume consume.  Information, ideas, plans, activities.  Now, as the evening comes upon me and it's time to write my daily blog, my focus shifts nicely inward.  What's the meaning within all my consumption and where am I going?

My highlight today was some writing I shared on my Facebook timeline.  It got inspired from the journey I have embarked on this year, that of walking away from all that does not nourish, communicate honestly and support.  Which means I am walking towards all that nourishes, communicates well and supports lovingly.  What is most deep about this time is how it shows me where I may not be nourishing myself enough either.  It always seems to come back to, as within so without.

Here is the Facebook post I made today:

"I am following my heart, letting my heart be my inner GPS and my guide.
Life will support me. This is not a challenge to life. It is rather an atunement to the beauty of how life naturally supports us when we are in flow with the truth of our being and allow it to express, lovingly, kindly and compassionately.

It's not to say or promise there will not be fear. But fear is only "false evidence appearing real". So keep that in mind when it surfaces. Let it speak, let it express, hold it tenderly and when it quiets down for awhile, then take more steps forward as the heart lovingly will lead if we let it. 

Just as a sunflower and butterfly are in harmony, so too a life that blooms from the heart will merge into the naturalness of life."

I think about how best to invite my heart to lead.  Hopefully, even this thought is enough to set it in motion.  After all, Truth knows our question even before we finish uttering it.  

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