Sunday, November 29, 2015

Light Within The Dark - Day 12 Blog Challenge

In the midst of talking to someone about being in another "dark night of the soul" they responded with a beautiful insight.  "I bet, there is much light in what you call dark."

I found that such a loving supportive thing to say.  Reminds me once, in my twenties, a mentor of mine gave me a birthday card.  It said, "It is better to light one candle than to curse the dark".  So even back then I was getting input of a similar nature.  

Recently, I've been resonating with a teacher, Matt Kahn, who speaks so kindly of loving everything that arises.  No story attached to it.  It is energy (memory) surfacing, and all it needs is some loving kindness and acceptance as it completes and lifts out of the body.  I love what he says about stuff surfacing.  It is surfacing because it is coming up for healing.  My old thinking might have been, it is surfacing because something is wrong with me and I'm stuck in the past.  How liberating to see it as actually flushing up and out.  I find that is such an uplifting possibility.

Darkness being the stuff that's been pressed down, not being allowed to see the light of day and breathe.   While light being the healing that comes from the embrace of that which was denied.  

I'm reminded of a time when I was going through a divorce and the pain was overwhelming, like I felt I was dyingEventually, exhaused, I would surrender, lay on my couch and just be with the feelings, cry, wail, whatever; eventually I would fall asleep and upon awaking I felt refreshed to some extent.  And indeed I was still alive.  

Through practice of being with what is, I grew to learn that facing my grief and fears is liberating.  The only aspect of me that dies is some part of the ego that was fear based and really was not about supporting me to fully BE.

Yet, when deep stuff surfaces for me even now, it sometimes is still hard not to drop into fear that I may die, at least when the stuff is raw and surfacing.  I like to imagine a deeper part of me knows what's up and is not worried.  This part of me is in charge of my being held through it all. 

How well do you handle the waves of grief and fear?  Are you a surfer or do you like to dive deep?

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