Thursday, December 10, 2015

Anger - Day 23 Blog Challenge

Anger is such a rich, complex loaded emotion.  If we could find a way to harness all the anger on this planet we probably will have discovered the newest most innovative form of alternative energy for earth.  Definitely renewable and does not extract resources from the environment.  It also has the potential to recycle into emotions of higher frequencies, thus quite a good candidate for transmutation.  

Most important for me is to not make anger an enemy.  It's coming from within the psyche, let me be curious and find out what is going on with it.  Not by picking a fight with someone else but rather to travel within and dialogue.  Asking anger what needs are not being met and what is it longing for.  Ultimately life reflects back to us what our inner story is.  Always coming back to it being an inside job.  A theme I carry throughout this blog journey.

It's a very empowering practice really.  For once I find out what needs anger has that are not being met, I am in a good position to find ways to meet those needs.

Here's an example that comes up regularly for me.  I get 'into a state' where I am driving myself too hard and working non stop.  A driven work state is most often a fear based state and commonly unconscious.  We're not even aware of our real motivation to be so driven.

Anger's voice rises trying to get my attention, hey you!  I'm hurting and you're not listening to me!  At that point, like a loving parent, I can come and sit with anger and give it compassion and find out what it is needing.  I can also say I'm sorry and change my ways.  At any point along this path, I have the power to choose to become more loving and free.

It all begins with intention to be so.
The path will then be laid out for you, from the great cosmic mind.
 Just follow one step at a time.

Continue to renew the intention, as needed.
With practice choosing love and freedom will become the natural choice.

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